Bujinkan Kurai

Bujinkan Ranks

The Bujinkan utilizes both the Kyū / Dan system and Menkyo licenses. Ranks are divided into 9 Kyū grades and 15 Dan levels with the occasional Menkyo being awarded in an individual school or a specific discipline from one of the schools.

There is only one official test in the Bujinkan, the Godan or 5th Dan test sometimes referred to the Sakki (killer intent) test. In this test the Godan candidate must kneel in meditation while the one giving the test (a Jūgodan, 15th Dan) prepares to cut down from behind with a Fukuroshinai (a split bamboo training sword with a thin covering, usually leather). The applicant must sense the tester’s “killer intent” and roll out of the way. Originally, only Hatsumi Sensei gave this test. Beginning in the early 2000s, he began having the Jūgodan give the test in his presence. Since then, he has authorized the Jūgodan to give the test outside of Japan with at least three Jūgodan present. Once the candidate has passed the Godan test, they become a Shidoshi (Teacher of the Warrior Ways) a fully licensed teacher in Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu and may award rank to their students up to the rank of Yondan, 4th Dan.

At the rank of Kyūdan, 9th Dan, recommendations from three Jūdan or higher are required to advance to Jūdan. Those that are Jūdan or higher are referred to as Shihan, Senior Teachers.

In the early 1990s the highest rank within the Bujinkan was Jūdan, 10th Dan, then Hatsumi Sensei began awarding a series of Menkyo to the Jūdans:

  • Chi-i Happō Biken Menkyo – Earth (1st) Level Eight Way Secret Sword License
  • Sui-i Happō Biken Menkyo – Water (2nd) Level Eight Way Secret Sword License
  • Ka-i Happō Biken Menkyo – Fire (3rd) Level Eight Way Secret Sword License
  • Fū-i Happō Biken Menkyo – Wind (4th) Level Eight Way Secret Sword License
  • Kū-i Happō Biken Menkyo – Void (5th) Level Eight Way Secret Sword License

Due to some initial confusion and because it was much easier to say, many began referring to these levels as 11th to 15th Dan. Eventually Hatsumi Sensei made this official and began awarding 11th to 15th Dan Menkyo instead of the Happō Biken Menkyo.

Hatsumi Sensei has said that Jūgodan are “true Shihan”. In recent years, the Jūgodan have been awarded Menkyo for Daishihan, Great Senior Teachers.

There are only three belt colors used for adults in the Bujinkan: white, green, and black. Some dōjō also use brown at Nikyū, 2nd Kyū and / or Ikkyū, 1st Kyū. Many dōjō add yellow, brown, and sometimes blue for children in the Kyū grades. In the past, women wore red belts instead of green with purple dōgi (uniform). While some women still follow this tradition, most dōjō use green belts and black dōgi for both men and women.

Specific ranks are represented by different patches called wappen (crest) with the kanji 武神 Bujin (Divine Warrior) embroidered:

Kyū Wappen
Dan Wappen
Godan / Shidōshi Wappen
Jūdan / Shihan Wappen
Daishihan Wappen
Sōke Wappen

It goes without saying that only Hatsumi Sensei wears the Sōke wappen.

無級 MukyūNo RankWhite BeltNo Wappen
九級 Kyūkyū9th KyūGreen BeltKyū Wappen
八級 Hakkyū8th KyūGreen BeltKyū Wappen, 1 White Star
七級 Nanakyū7th KyūGreen BeltKyū Wappen, 2 White Stars
六級 Rokkyū6th KyūGreen BeltKyū Wappen, 3 White Stars
五級 Gokyū5th KyūGreen BeltKyū Wappen, 4 White Stars
四級 Yonkyū4th KyūGreen BeltKyū Wappen, 1 Yellow Star
三級 Sankyū3rd KyūGreen BeltKyū Wappen, 2 Yellow Stars
二級 Nikyū2nd KyūGreen BeltKyū Wappen, 3 Yellow Stars
一級 Ikkyū1st KyūGreen BeltKyū Wappen, 4 Yellow Stars
初段 Shodan1st DanBlack BeltDan Wappen
弐段 Nidan2nd DanBlack BeltDan Wappen, 1 Silver Star
参段 Sandan3rd DanBlack BeltDan Wappen, 2 Silver Stars
四段 Yondan4th DanBlack BeltDan Wappen, 3 Silver Stars
五段 (士道師) Godan (Shidōshi)5th Dan (Teacher)Black BeltShidōshi Wappen
六段 Rokudan6th DanBlack BeltShidōshi Wappen, 1 Gold Star
七段 Nanadan7th DanBlack BeltShidōshi Wappen, 2 Gold Stars
八段 Hachidan8th DanBlack BeltShidōshi Wappen, 3 Gold Stars
九段 Kyūdan9th DanBlack BeltShidōshi Wappen, 4 Gold Stars
十段 (師範) Jūdan (Shihan)10th Dan (Senior Teacher)Black BeltShihan Wappen
十一段 Jūichidan11th DanBlack BeltShihan Wappen, 1 Gold Star
十二段 Jūnidan12th DanBlack BeltShihan Wappen, 2 Gold Stars
十三段 Jūsandan13th DanBlack BeltShihan Wappen, 3 Gold Stars
十四段 Jūyondan14th DanBlack BeltShihan Wappen, 4 Gold Stars
十五段 Jūgodan15th DanBlack BeltShihan Wappen, 5 Gold Stars
大師範 DaishihanGreat Senior TeacherBlack BeltDaishihan Wappen